Jelondeh resort

The temperature of the Jelondeh spring water is 70 degrees, and in the cold of 35 degrees in winter, the temperature of the spring water remains unchanged. According to the analysis and recommendations of specialists, healing water of Jelondeh is very useful for joint pain, cold and bone pain, but it is not recommended for heart diseases and cancer.

This is an interesting place for tourists, many tourists visit this place every year. The modern resort is crowded both in the cold and hot seasons. This resort has been renovated several times, and here all the conditions for rest and treatment are provided. As part of the construction and reconstruction works  in order to worthy celebration the State Independence Day, the second building of the resort was put into use. All medical services in the resort are adapted to the needs of the time. There is a point of round-the-clock medical services here.

The operation of such a modern resort in a mountainous corner of the Shughnon district of the Gorno Badakhshan Autonomous Region is considered one of the important achievements of the independence period of Tajikistan.